Sunday, March 17, 2013

About my blog title....

Everyone always wonders where I got the nickname Pinky. My entire family calls me Pinky-aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. For a lot of my childhood I didn't know why I was called Pinky. It used to be very embarrassing when non-family would hear me being called by that name. It was also embarrassing when my family didn't know my real name. When you hear Pinky, the first thoughts are pinky toe or pinky finger which are not all that appealing. Now I am very proud of my nickname. The background is quite endearing. I was nicknamed Pinky by my big brother Eddie. When I was first introduced to my brother and sister, the first thing my brother said was "that's my little Pinky". That nickname has stuck with me through out my whole life. I even incorporated it in my business name Pinkography. My husband Rick gets credit for coming up with that name. My life will forever be about Pink.

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